Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Fan brush nail art :)

Good morning fellow lacquer loving peeps. Things in life have got me down today but nail art usually helps me get back up. Today I have used a fan brush and three polishes to create a nail art that isn't quite sugar spun and isn't quite marbling, but more if a halfway point between the two achieved with layering and a dry brushing technique.

Let's start off with the polishes I used :) For my blue I picked Ruby Wing Moonstone, for my pink piCture pOlish Shocked, and for my purple piCture pOlish Violette Femme.

I started off by painting a base coat of  Moonstone and allowing it to dry. I then took my fanbbrush and lightly dipped the ends in a small puddle of shocked. I then wiped any excess polish off the brush and dragged the fan brush back and forth over each nail.

Next I repeated this process with Violette Femme. You need to make sure your brush isn't too saturated so that the color already on the nail doesn't get completely painted over.

I then did another pass over each nail with shocked, but with even less polish on  the brush,just enough to leleave pink traces.  I then finished up with a final pass over each nail with a little Moonstone blue to blend it all out and make the colors nice  and even. Then of course I applied a quick dry top coat and voila.

This was a new type of nail  art for me using a technique my mother had taught me from tole painting. I think it translates well to nail art :)

Thanks for stopping in today guys :) I hope you all come back again tomorrow :)  Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with new posts!

P-Bubbs :)


  1. This post reminded me that I have a unused fan brush LOL. Lovely color combination, love the base color the best. I'd put some holo glitter over this, but then again, I'd put some holo glitter over anything LOL. Hope life gets easier for you. :)

    1. Thanks for the well wishes. I know lol I love glitter to, but I just liked the way these ones were on their own, Next time I do something similar I will try throwing some glitter in the mix to!
